We are currently expanding our child and adolescent therapy services. Call us for more info or request an appointment below.

Evening Psychodrama Group

A psychotherapy group exploring the relationships we have with ourselves and others.

  • Mondays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • Early Fall Cycle will begin 08/26/24
  • Call 312-566-8536 for more information

Would you like to:

  • Be kinder to yourself or others?
  • Learn new skills to decrease depression and/or anxiety?
  • Understand and change the role you play in your relationships?
  • Increase self-confidence?

This 8-week group uses psychodrama and action methods to allow members to express feelings safely, explore and challenge distorted thoughts, strengthen interpersonal relationships, practice new behaviors, and try on new roles.

For more information or to reserve your spot, contact Dr. Brittany Lakin-Starr at 312-566-8536.